Volunteer NYC!


    Here you can volunteer to help us clean up the parks and our ocean. You can help us make our environment a better place! You can either chose to pick up trash at the beach or at the park.

  • filter_vintageBrookyln Bridge
    Here you can help out in the Coastal Cleanup at the Brookyln Bridge! It's a great opportunity to give back to the community and help clean out the waters in our area. You can clean up the toxins and wastes and help us get clean water once again and grow out ecosystem once more. Click here for more information!
  • filter_vintageNYC Parks
    Here you can help out in NYC parks to voulnteer! There are many different events here that you can sign up for and they don't all deal with parks, some are beaches and lakes. Here you can clean up our dirty parks and give the ecosysem one more chance to grow back again! This is your chance to give back to the environment! Click here for more information!
  • filter_vintageRockaway Beach
    Here you can help out in Rockaway and volunteer to help clean up the beach! whether it’s testing the water quality in Rockaway, rallying against plastics, tabling at an event, or cleaning up the beach we always have a good time. Click here for more information!
  • filter_vintageHudson River Park
    Here you can help out at the Hudson River Park where you could help out in the parks whether it's growing new plants or cleaning up! Click here for more information!


    Here you can donate any kind of school supplies you have and you can even volunteer to tutor students. You can also donate money to schools so they can either build a new school or buy supplies for the new students.

  • schoolTimeout
    Here you can donate any bookbags or school supplies you have! Click here for more information!
  • schoolDonar schoose
    Here you can donate money to build new schools or supplies for those in need! Click here here for more information!
  • schoolSchool on Wheels
    Here you can volunteer to tutor students and help them make their life a little easier. You can also mentor them and be like a role model to them. Click here for more information!
  • schoolNYC service
    Here you can volunteer at a public school, you can either be a cafeterain lunch man/lady, a nurse assisatnce, a teacher assistance etc. Click here for more information!


    Here you can volunteer to take care of some animals, as in bathe them, clean them, look after them, feed them or even play with them! You can also choose to adopt a pet if you would like to.

  • wb_sunnyNYCACC
    Here you can either donate, adopt or get involved and participate in an animal shelter! Click here for more information
  • wb_sunnyBest Friends
    Here you can volunteer or foster a new best friend! You would make a pet very happy and give it a love and warm home to go to. Click here for more information!
  • wb_sunnyAnimal Haven
    Here you can volunteer at Animal Haven! Over here they have a variety of options of where you want to volunteer and there's a perfect fit for everyone. Click here for more information!
  • wb_sunnyBideawee
    Here you can volunteer at Bidawee and help out these animals in need! Click here for more information!


    Here you can volunteer to help us organize food drives, donate money to buy the supplies, actually bring the supplies, cook etc. You can also donate clothes, utlities or money to help out.

  • home6 square foot
    Here you can volunteer at a homeless shelter! There's so much for you to do here! Click here for more information!
  • homeCoalition for the Homeless
    \ to take action in homeless shelters and help out! Click here for more information!
  • homeBowery
    to help feed the homeless! Click here for more information!
  • homeEnd Homelessness
    o donate money and help end homelessness! Click here for more information!


    Here you can volunteer to tutor some orphans since some can't afford to go to school. You can also adopt them and make sure they have a warm loving family to come home to.

  • child_friendlyChildrens Village
    Click here to volunteer and become orphans role models or tutors or donate!
  • child_friendlyLittle Flower NY
    Click here to volunteer and mentor/tutors kids!
  • child_friendlyThe Orphan Foundation
    Click here to either donate, adopt or volunteer!
  • child_friendlyNew York center for Children
    Click here to donate, sponsor or volunteer here to give back and help these children!

    Senior Citizens

    Here you can volunteer to help us feed those in nursing homes or do activities with them like playing games. You could spend time with them and maybe learn a thing or two.

  • wb_sunnyJASA
    Click here to volunteer and help out senior citizens and do activities with them!
  • wb_sunnyVNSNY
    Click here to volunteer and help serve patients and help out their families!
  • wb_sunnyElder Helpers
    Click here to volunteer with the elders, bring generations together or simply donate!
  • wb_sunnySunrise Senior Living
    Click here to volunteer with the elderly at Sunrise senior living!